Navnet SERVE er et akronym for det rumænske ”Euro Romanian Society of Exceptional Wines”. Det var den første private vinvirksomhed inden for den rumænske vinsektor. SERVE åbnede i 1994, efter kommunismens fald. Vingården blev skabt af den franske greve Guy Tyrel de Poix.

Count Guy de POIX
Guy Tyrel de Poix var den yngste søn af Poix
familien, som helt tilbage til det 17. århundrede har en tradition for vine.
Familien har været involveret i ejerskabet af den berømte Piper-Heidsieck Champagne og ejer i dag vingården Domaine Peraldi på Korsika.
I 1991 kommer Guy til Rumænien og møder
Mihaela der bliver hans vin- og livspartner. Guy døde i 2011, og Mihaela Tyrel de Poix driver stadig vingården i dag.
Lige som et kunstværk er vin et komplekst puslespil, hvor kvalitet og smag er baseret på en række forskellige faktorer,
der påvirker det endelige produkt. Disse faktorer omfatter: jorden, luften, vandet, klimatiske påvirkninger men også den menneskelige faktor. Alt dette går op i en højere enhed i SERVE-vinene.
Historien bag hvert glas vin begynder med den første druehøst. Med omhu og dygtighed samles druer fra mere end 68 ha vinmarker, alle druesorter der er dedikeret til rødvin. Fra Dealu Mare, som
kaldes ”Homeland of red wines” vælges de druer, der skal opfylde deres formål - nemlig at blive et glas rubinrød vin. I dette område dyrkes vinsorter som
Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteascea Neagră, Pinot Noir og Merlot, men også druer til hvidvin som Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling de Rin og Fetească Albă.
SERVE Terra Romana Fetească Albă 2019
Normalpris 139,00 DKKNormalprisStykpris pr.159,00 DKKUdsalgspris 139,00 DKKUdsalg -
SERVE Terra Romana Milenium 2017 Rød
Normalpris 179,00 DKKNormalprisStykpris pr. -
Cuvée Guy de Poix 2016 Limited Edition
Normalpris 599,00 DKKNormalprisStykpris pr.Udsolgt -
SERVE Terra Romana Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 Rød
Normalpris 139,00 DKKNormalprisStykpris pr.179,00 DKKUdsalgspris 139,00 DKKUdsalg -
SERVE Sauvignon Blanc & Feteasca Alba 2019
Normalpris 129,00 DKKNormalprisStykpris pr.149,00 DKKUdsalgspris 129,00 DKKUdsalg

The story
Our story is written page by page and should be read over a glass of wine that can understand you, soothe you and offer the chance for an unconditional friendship. Just like a premium quality wine, it has solely natural ingredients: a visionary, a connoisseur and a brave idea.
Open the book to its first chapter. Here is where Count Guy Tyrel de Poix greets you. He is the man who turned a dream into reality. Being a great wine and life aficionado, he left his mark on everything and everyone, instilling his passion for the benefit of revitalizing all Romanian varietals.
Keep reading and meet Aurel Rotarescu, the winemaker who managed to “tame” the Romanian varietals, leading them towards perfection. You can also contribute to his story by taking a visit to the winery, where you will be greeted by the man behind the tastes and aromas you enjoy today.
Whilst reading, you will also come across the person who has made a valuable contribution from the very beginning, through pragmatism and dedication, in order to implement the best ideas and goals related to the development of SERVE. Mihaela Tyrel de Poix, CEO and wife of Guy, the co-founder of SERVE, who shares her husbands’ ideals and founded treasures, unraveling the love for wine glass by glass.

The wineyard
Just like a work of art, wine is a complex puzzle, where quality and taste are based on a number of factors that influence the final product. These elements include: soil, air, water, climatic influences, but also the human factor. All of these were brought together in the terroir. This elegantly used term could only highlight the amazing contribution of each piece in the completion and gratification of the SERVE wines.
The vineyards are chosen with endless patience and special attention, which is an extremely thoughtful thing. These must be perfectly adapted to certain varietals, so that the resulting wine would be an exceptional one, the kind of wine that offers you a distinguishing flavour and experience.
The story of each and every glass of wine begins with the handpicked first grape. With intricate care and skill, we gather from more than 68 hectares of vineyards, the varietals used for production of red wines. All the way from Dealu Mare, an area so-called “Country of Red Wine”, we collect step by step the grapes that are set to fulfill their purpose, namely that to be in a glass of ruby-red hued wine. Also in these regions, wine varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteascea Neagră, Pinot Noir, Merlot, but also some of the white ones, like Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling de Rin and Fetească Albă develop its exotic flavor. The collections are carefully created for you to take part in a unique experience, that can only be topped by the scents and sensations left by the pure, mono varietal character of some wines.